The Versatile Blogger Award

I was recently nominated and given The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you to for sharing the love. I am enormously honored to be recognized for doing what I love to do – writing about shopping, fashion and fun.

The Rules:
♥ Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
♥ Share 7 things about yourself
♥ Award 7 recently discovered great bloggers
♥ Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

Seven things about myself:

1. I heart shopping
2. I heart shopping with a coupon
3. I heart shopping on Tuesday morning when the stores are empty
4. I heart shopping on Saturday afternoon when fellow card swipers are out and about
5. I heart shopping while traveling
6. I heart shopping when I only have 30 minutes to find a complete outfit
7. I heart shopping for others

I have spent some time on these seven blogs and fell in love. Congrats fellow writers/shoppers. You’ve been awarded.

Happy blogging. And you know what I say?

…shop, shop, shop!


10 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Thanks bunches and bunches for the nomination. I’m shocked that someone actually reads and ENJOYS what I have to say on a regular basis… cheers girl!


    I will be giving u a shout out on my blog as soon as i get a break from work, work and school, school, school!

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